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SeaHollyGozo B&B

Check-In Process

Property Access
by Code

Upon your arrival at Sea Holly, please proceed through the main entrance (illustrated in the adjacent image). Once inside the central courtyard, make your way to the front door, where you'll find a keypad (refer to the subsequent image). Enter the code provided in your booking confirmation email to gain access. Should you require any assistance, please feel free to use the bell or contact us directly through WhatsApp, Facebook Messenger, or call us at 77095941. We're here to ensure your check-in process is smooth and convenient.

Accessing your room

Once you've successfully entered the property, locate an envelope labeled with your name, which contains your room key. If your room number is 1, 2, or 3, please proceed up one flight of stairs to the first floor. For room 4, ascend two flights of stairs. We have placed signs throughout the property to assist you in finding your way. Enjoy your stay at Sea Holly!

Wifi login

To connect to our WiFi, use the following credentials:

Username: Sea Holly

Password: Seaholly22223

Alternatively, you can scan the provided QR code for quick and easy access. Enjoy browsing and sharing your experiences at Sea Holly Gozo.